ToDo app for repeating ToDoesNot your duty, but your pride!Cyclic ToDo deals with "past achievements" rather than "future responsibilities", and does not blame you, but rather encourages you and supports your actions.🏆
Public beta versionUnder developmentThis static web application is under development.🚧
Smart display orderYou just do itWith Cyclic ToDo, you do not need to explicitly set the repeating cycle of ToDo. ToDoes that are predicted to be ready for execution based on auto-tagging and past history are displayed in priority order, making it easy to grasp the next ToDo to be executed.🧠
No account requiredReady to use nowCyclic ToDo can be used immediately without requiring account registration or login. Click the [New ToDo List] button.🚀
ToDoYour achievementsIt is said that continuity is power. Of course, if the amount you take each time is very small, you won't see any effects no matter how much you continue. However, the first step is to continue. If you keep doing it for a long time, there will be many days when you don't have time, are injured or sick, or even if you don't go that far, you feel somehow unwell or just don't feel like it. In such a case, consider it complete if you can do even 10% of what you originally planned. If you try too hard, it will be a curse that will make you feel lazy the next time you start working on a ToDo. The first thing you need to do is keep trying. Let's work hard on quality and quantity little by little after making it a habit so that you can continue without trying hard!✅
historyYour life logActually, Cyclic ToDo is like a life log app with the guise of a ToDo app. You can check the history of things like, "When was the last time I did that?"📔
ToDo ListsYou can use multiple ToDo listsContent that has very different contexts, such as personal and professional ToDoes, can be managed in separate lists. You can also handle ToDoes that would be noisy if they were mixed with other ToDoes, such as “When did I eat hamburgers or pizza?” in a separate list.🗄️
SublistsPurchasing and ConsumptionWhat is the ToDo of `vitamin supplements`? There are `vitamin supplements` as a purchasing ToDo and `vitamin supplements` as a taking (consumption) ToDo, right? In such cases, please use sublists.📂
TagWhat I do every morningToDoes that are executed under specific conditions, such as every morning, holidays, convenience stores, etc., can be grouped together with tags. Of course, you can add multiple tags to one ToDo.🏷️
Progressive Web AppWith your smartphoneYou can use this web app like an app by registering it on the home screen of your smartphone.This web app can also be registered as an app on your PC. ( The registration method differs depending on your web browser. )📱
Dark modeIn your favorite modePlease use light mode / dark mode according to your preference.🌙
MultilingualIn your languageCurrently, it supports English and Japanese.🌐
Keyboard shortcutsComfortable keyboard operationPress the ? key to display a list of keyboard shortcuts for that screen.⌨️
UndoYou can undoEven if you make a mistake, you can undo by clicking [Cancel] on the toast that appears immediately after the operation.⌛️
Recycle BinThere is also a recycle binYou can restore deleted items from recycle bin within 30 days.🗑️
Local StorageSaved in web browserAll information is stored in your web browser's Local Storage. Please note that if you delete cookies from your web browser, all information in the ToDo list will be deleted, including the recycle bin.🔥
evil-timer.jsYou can control the timeSince evil-timer.js is included, you can easily check the detailed behavior of Cyclic ToDo over time.👿
繰り返す ToDo 専用の ToDo アプリ責務ではなく、あなたの誇りを!Cyclic ToDo で扱うのは「未来の責務」ではなく「いままでの実績」であり、あなたを責める事なく、あなたを勇気づけ、あなたの行動を後押しします。🏆
公開ベータ版開発中ですこの Static Web アプリは開発中です。🚧
スマートな表示順あなたは実行するだけCyclic ToDo では繰り返す ToDo の周期をあなたが明示的に設定する必要はありません。自動タグ設定や過去の履歴から「そろそろ実行するタイミングだと予測される ToDo 」を優先的に表示するので、次に実行するべき ToDo を簡単に把握できます。🧠
アカウント不要いますぐ使えますCyclic ToDo はアカウント登録やログイン不要でいますぐに使えます。[新しい ToDo リスト]ボタンをクリックしてください。🚀
ToDoあなたの実績継続は力なりと言います。もちろん、1回あたりの分量がごく少量であれば、いくら続けてもなかなか効果は現れないでしょう。しかし、まずは継続してこそです。ずっと継続し続けるとなると、時間がなかったり、怪我や病気を負っていたり、そこまでいかなくともなんとなく体調が悪い、なんとなく気分が乗らないなんて日も多々あるでしょう。そんな時は本来の予定の 10% 程度でもこなしたら完了としてしまいましょう。無理して頑張ると次回から ToDo に取り掛かる時に億劫になる呪いとして降りかかります。最初に頑張るべきは継続する事自体です。頑張らなくても継続できる様に習慣化できてから質や量を少しずつ頑張りましょう!✅
履歴あなたのライフログ実際のところ、 Cyclic ToDo は ToDo アプリのガワを被せてるライフログアプリの様なモノです。「アレやったのはいつだっけ?」なんて事を履歴から確認できます。📔
ToDo リスト複数の ToDo リストが使えます個人的な ToDo と仕事上の ToDo といった大きく前提が異なるモノや、ラーメンやカレーをいつ食べた?といった様な他の ToDo と混ざって表示されてもノイズになるような ToDo はリストを分けて扱えます。🗄️
サブリスト購入と消費`ビタミン剤`と言う ToDo はなんでしょうか? 購入の ToDo としての`ビタミン剤`と、服用(消費)の ToDo としての`ビタミン剤`がありますよね? そんな時はサブリストをお使いください。📂
タグ毎朝やるのは毎朝、祝日、コンビニ等々、特定の条件で実行する ToDo はタグをつけてまとめられます。もちろん1つの ToDo に複数のタグをつけられます。🏷️
Progressive Web Appあなたのスマホと共にスマートフォンのホーム画面に登録する事でアプリのようにも使えます。また PC でもアプリとして登録可能です。( 登録方法はお使いの Web ブラウザによって異なります。 )📱